About us

Pic. Kuvauksellista
I'm Jenni Heikkinen from Lappeenranta, Finland. I share home with my fiance, lagotto romagnolo and Portuguese water dog.
Dogs have been big part of my life since 2005, when I had my first lagotto Agostini. Now, after 15 years I have owned few lovely lagottos, with whom I have competed for example obedience and shows.

Lagottos are medium size, curly coated working dogs with active, happy and outgoing temperament. Their purpose and passion is in truffle hunting.

Pwds are a bit bigger than lagottos and might look a bit funny with their shaved butt, but the funnest part of them all is their happy and stable nature.

Please, don't hesitate to ask more about us jenni.heikkinen at hotmail.com